Life is a party! Denny and I celebrated New Year's Eve at home with Dana and our friends, Kathy, Perry, and Andrew. We played games and set off fireworks at midnight.
As we stepped into the New Year, I was privately celebrating the victories of 2010. What a year! To say it was a "bad" year would be incorrect. We experienced one of the greatest miracles of our lives! I guess you have to experience the "lows" in order to appreciate the "highs"; not that I would wish that journey on anyone!
(Our prayers are with Denny's cousin, Glenda, now. You may remember her name from previous posts. She was a great help to us staying with Dana and Dan while we were in St. Louis. She was recently diagnosed with cancer and is recovering from surgery. As we have experienced a miracle, we believe God has one in store for her too!)
From here, we will continue to maintain vigilance on this disease. Denny will spend the rest of his life getting periodic checkups and scans. The year, 2011, has started out free and clear. We are grateful for TIME and plan to make the most of it.
Therefore, I'm saying "Farewell for Now". This blog will remain available to any friend or family member that wants to re-read our incredible journey. I'm hoping not to have to add any more posts to it. However, should the need arise, it will be revived. Thank you for your comforting support, encouraging messages and heartfelt prayers. Denny would not be here without them. Thank you!
We wish for you a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year!
Love to all,
Deb & Denny