Monday, July 30, 2012

Hopefully just a Bump and not a Battle

Events are finally in motion. Denny and I will be leaving for St. Louis on August 1st which also happens to be the first day of school for Dan. Denny will have an MRI done at 3:45p on the 1st. Then, on the 2nd, he will see the neuro-opthamologist and have a Humphrey field test. This is a test he has done since the beginning so it will tell them if his vision is narrowing or getting worse. On the 3rd, we will see Dr. Haughey, who has been in charge of his case since 2004. He is the ear-nose-throat surgeon who looks up inside the sinus cavity with a scope for any visual changes. We will know after the conclusion of these appointments just exactly what we are dealing with. After that appointment, we will be headed home. On the 9th, Denny will go back to St. Louis by himself for a CAT scan and Labs. He will meet with his neurosurgeon and oncologist for his regularly scheduled 6 month checkup. I will be taking Dana to college on the 11th so Dan will be holding down the fort while we are all on our various road trips. It is wonderful that we can depend on our very responsible 16 year old to do this. I'm very proud of him as you can tell! I'll keep posting to the blog with any updates as they become available. Let's all say a prayer that this is just a bump in the road and not a battle in the war. Either way, the Woodruff4 is on it! Love to all, Deb

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

August Rush

Looks like Denny is headed to St. Louis the first two weekends in August. He was originally scheduled for August 10th but is having some problems. Dr. Haughey, the doc in charge of his case from the beginning, wants him in the LOU PRONTO! Denny is having trouble with his vision and his balance. The vision is particularly concerning because it is on the same side the tumor originated on. He will be undergoing many tests and doctor visits those first two weekends. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to go with him for both weekends as Dana is leaving for college on August 11th. Things will work out the way they are supposed too. We are holding our breath, once again, in hopes that this will not be the beginning of another battle. I will post as the info comes available. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Deb