Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In Limbo

Nothing new has happened since the last post. Denny still has the pump attached to his port. It has been pumping the 3rd chemo since Monday evening. It will be taken off tomorrow around 3pm. He has not had any problems dealing with this.

He has been feeling and eating normally. We got 3 cases of Ensure and some healthy recipes from our niece, Brooke, yesterday. (A big "Thank You" to our nephew, Jason, who brought it to us. We appreciate it!)

I'll keep posting with updates. Thanks for checking in!

Love to all,

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tonto and "Chemo-sabe"

Well, Tonto was always the Lone Ranger's sidekick! Although it was terribly sad in the chemo area, Denny was far from being a Lone Ranger today. There were so many sick people in there; it was just a revolving door. I had a tough time when a 13 year old girl with a port in her chest was in the next bed to Denny. It made my heart bleed for that little girl. What is going on in our world that so many people are suffering from cancer?

We just got back to the lodge and I wanted to let everyone know that Denny's chemo went better than expected. All of his blood levels were great. He didn't have any reaction to the new chemo. (They tested a small level of it before starting the required dosage.) He has a pump attached to the port in his chest so the next few days will be interesting. We have done this before - we can do it again!

While he was resting in bed, the nurses went over everything we are supposed to watch out for. Of course, the list is as long as my arm. He has a boat-load of medicines to take for nausea and anti-infection. Just keeping all of that straight will be a full time job!

The nurses talked to us about nutrition and how important it is for Denny to stay hydrated. They were very relieved to hear that our niece, Brooke, is in the picture. She has a Master's in Nutrition from Purdue and has kindly stepped in to help manage that area of Denny's care. She is getting together some recipes and info for me to help keep Denny physically strong. We appreciate that more than these words can say.

Denny handled today probably better than I did. Everything in me rebelled at the fact that we had to be in there again. Seeing all the mortally sick people suffering with this disease makes me even more angry and determined that Denny can beat this thing. Between the anger and sadness, I felt sick to my soul that this has become Denny's path to survival; suffering through the treatment to get to the cure. However, I also know that this therapy was successful the first time and I believe it will all be worth it the second time around.

I also say he is a VERY LUCKY man - so many wonderfully, caring people out there supporting him. With Brooke's help and all the wonderful comments he gets on the blog, Denny has everything possible to help him fight this battle. Keep the prayers, emails and comments coming! You have no idea how good it feels to open the blog and know that even though we can't "see" you, we know you are behind him. Each day is a victory!

"There is no time like the present. No present like time." - Author unknown

Love to all,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Medicine Man

Tomorrow the chemo begins. to try to keep that off of our minds, we spent the day relaxing with Denny's cousin, Kent, by the pool at his house. Denny sat in a shady spot, dipping his feet in the pool. The kids were swimming and we had a nice visit.

We came back to the lodge and I fixed some dinner. Now we are both trying to get mentally ready for what the week will bring.

Denny will be in the chemo area tomorrow for about 8 hours. It will be a long day for the medicine man! I'll post tomorrow night to let you know how things are going.

Love to all,

Friday, June 25, 2010

Doing fine

Denny had the port put in about 11:30am this morning. They put it on the left side. The first time he had a port, he developed a blood clot. Because of that, the right side did not have a viable vein to tap so they decided to go to the opposite side. I was there when they did the ultrasound because it was a big concern for me. I was worried Denny would develop another blood clot. However, the medical personnel were aware of his previous situation and took good care of Denny.

He is just taking it easy after the sedation. I fixed him a nice lunch and he is resting in an easy chair. He is doing fine.

Thanks for checking in!

Love to all,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back at the Lodge

Glenda got to our house yesterday about 3:30pm. Things have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to update the blog. We are now in St. Louis at the Hope Lodge. We got here about 6pm tonight.

Denny is having a port put into his chest tomorrow. It will be done as an outpatient surgery. He will be in and out in about an hour or so. Then, first thing Monday morning, he will go to the lab to have his blood levels checked; see Dr. Adkins, and then begin his chemo. We will be at the hospital all day. It is going to be a long one!

I'll update the blog as things develop. Thanks for checking in.

Love to all,

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Still Digging for the Pony

Things are moving quickly. We don't have specific appointment times, just dates. It looks like Denny's chemo will begin the week of June 28th. The first cycle will be complete by July 2nd. We will leave St. Louis to come home after he finishes treatment on Friday.

Denny's cousin, Glenda, is coming down from Missouri to stay with the kids while we are gone. We are very appreciative of her generous offer to help us out. That brings alot of relief to our situation.

It truly amazes us to find out how much family and friends care when life brings challenges like the one we are facing. The "No man is a Island" quote is very true. No one could go through something like this without a support system. Denny and I are very grateful to have such a wonderful team cheering us on because the battle continues. At this point, we are still "digging for the pony." [See previous blog entry]. We have appreciated every prayer, card, blog comment, and email sent. To all of the "team", we say "Thank you"!

Love to all,

Friday, June 18, 2010

Looking Forward

We got home about 3pm yesterday. As we drove up the driveway and the familiar things came into view, it was like the house was saying, "Welcome Home! Glad you're back!" That never gets old for me. I could tell Denny was glad to be home too.

I was mentally exhausted when I wrote the last blog so my thanks to our friend, Jill, for pointing out something obvious that I forgot to put in. Denny will be doing his chemo treatments in St. Louis. The doctors work in a team. We discussed the idea of getting chemo in Nashville, but that would take his chemo doctor off of the team. (Barnes is ranked #5 for Ear-Nose-Throat as compared to Vanderbilt at #16.) We want to keep Denny with the doctors that know his history and that work on the same team; communicating with each other about his case.

[As a side note: "Thanks" to Anita & Travis, and Brooke & Jason for taking time out of their busy schedules to have dinner with us on Tuesday night when we got into town. It was a nice, relaxing visit.]

Denny went in to work today. He couldn't wait to get back to his life. Work is important to him. It helps keep his mind occupied with positive things. He is an amazing man!

We are looking forward..... We are looking forward because dwelling in the past isn't productive. Everything that needs to be in place for success, is there. He has the A-Team of doctors, he is strong, he is positive, he has a huge team of family and friends supporting him, and the most powerful..He has prayers. We are looking forward to conquering this disease and claiming victory! Carpe Diem...Seize the day!

Love to all,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Exercising our Options

Today has been a long and interesting day. Denny's doctors are very pleased with his progress. It was mutually agreed between the ENT and Neurosurgeon, that the sinus cavity is healing exceedingly well. Both commented on how good he looked. For those of you that haven't been able to see him post-surgery, you wouldn't be able to tell that anything is different except for a thin scar on his head.

We also had an opportunity to sit down with the chemo doctor, Dr. Adkins, to discuss our options. He said that because Denny is now in a high risk category for re-occurance, chemo would be the best option. A new chemo drug has come on the market since he last had treatment that has shown great promise in treating other sinus cancers. Dr. Adkins said that there are no guarantees but to do nothing is not an option. The plan is to start chemo near the end of June and continue treatments, 1 week on, 2 weeks off, until the first week of September for a total of 4 treatments. This chemo cocktail is designed to kill malignant cells and not just shrink them out of existence. We feel very optimistic that there is still an option open as radiation is out of the question.

Denny has been cleared to drive and to return to work to the limit he feels capable to handle. That is a huge victory for him. He is 'back in the driver's seat" of his life. Go, Denny!

In a short time from now, the battle will begin. Denny has been gathering strength these past few weeks; physically and mentally. We will be facing the enemy with strength and faith that Denny will emerge the winner. Remember our motto: "Accept no defeat!"

Love to all,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Letter to Denny

Denny is really doing well. His life seems back to normal. He doesn't sleep much during the day anymore. I know he is looking forward to driving and being able to do more things. As it is, he has fixed 2 leaking sinks, the couch leg that broke yesterday, and the headlights on my SUV. He seems to be feeling better each day.

I've been thinking about the coming week as a "re-engagement" in the battle. I think Denny and I have had this on our minds; but separately. We haven't really spoken our thoughts aloud; but each of us is wondering what the week will bring. This blog entry is for him as much as it is for our readers:

Dear Denny,

Cancer is a formidable foe but it CAN be beaten. Between the 4 of us and the team we have behind us, if it can be done; we will do it. NEVER will you be in this battle alone.

I know the news we received when we left St. Louis was a huge body blow to us. However, you have made the most of the last few weeks gathering your strength. I also know that you are aware of the research I have been doing to see what else is out there. I told you what I've found.

The doctors working with you are published forerunners into the cures for this type of cancer you have. They started publishing their findings in 1996; ten years after the discovery of Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma. (As an aside, Washington University is ranked #4 in the nation for their medical school, right behind Harvard, Princeton and Yale. Your doctors teach there!) The National Institute of Rare Cancers says that you are receiving the best treatments known to be available and then some.

I know it is difficult to keep the fear and uncertainty at bay, but we have to try. Keep the faith that you will overcome this disease and we will be celebrating your victory once again. Everything that I have will be fighting with you.

"Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all it's forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is started, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance." - Robert Collier

Love to Denny,

Your "PMS" (Personal Medical Secretary),
Your # 1 Cheerleader,
Your wife, and
Your Warrior,


Friday, June 11, 2010

The Nashville Nut House

Laugh if you want but counting hairs on the dog for entertainment is getting old. Then, the phone rang, lost our train of thought, and now we have to start over!

Seriously, things are going well. The days are filled with cutting grass (which seems to be growing at an alarming rate), and eating Kool-pops. It's so darn hot & humid down here; Denny has the "clip and zip" Kool-pop procedure down to a science!

Love to all,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No place like Home

I spoke with the ENT Doctor's office today to see about getting Denny more antiobiotic. (When he was feeling "stuffy", he lightly blew his nose and some sticky black discharge was the result.) I told them about this and how it is still a week away for his appointment. The nurse said, "That doesn't sound good. If it happens again, call us ASAP." Then she called in another round of antiobiotics. Now we won't be so worried about infection getting into his sinus cavity. Denny said after the black stuff came out, that he could breathe better again. It just happened the one time so we will be carefully watching from here on out.

The Neurosurgeon decided he wants to see Denny so we have an appointment with him on the 16th also. We are happy about getting all three appointments on the same day.

We will be staying at the lodge again. It is so convenient for us. We just jump on Hwy 40 and we are already in Illinois! It will be nice to get the appointments over with and get back on the road. As Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz says, "There's no place like home."

Love to all,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maris sent a hug!

Denny got one very special get-well card in the mail. When we stopped to get the mail, all of the usual junk fell out: the circulars, Geico insurance, "We buy Gold", publisher's clearing house, blah, blah, blah.. Then, a pretty blue envelope dropped out of the stack. Denny opened it and it said something like, "Sending you a hug".. Inside was a snapshot of our sweet, little niece, Maris, with her arms folded in front of her. She was sending her Uncle Denny a big hug! He thought it was the greatest gift he could have received! "Thanks, Maris!" "Love you, honey!" from Uncle Denny! It was a good day!

Love to all,

P.S. Happy Belated 16th Birthday to our niece, Haley. Hope it was VERY SPECIAL! xoxo

Monday, June 7, 2010

If it ain't deer, it ain't here!

Tonight it was cool enough that Denny was able to be outside for awhile. He BBQ'd some deer steaks that I had marinating all day. He cooked it with mesquite. It was nice to sit and relax in the cool air. When it was done, we came in and had a nice dinner together.

Love to all,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cardinals and Kleenex

This has been a very relaxing day. Denny has been watching golf, boxing and Cardinals baseball. He has been having problems with feeling "stuffy". That is the first thing on the agenda when we get back to STL. Dr. Haughey, the ENT doc, wants to "debride" the sinus cavity. That means he wants to go in and clean all of that stuff out of there. Denny's job has been to keep it irrigated and soft so that the doctor can clean it out easily. If it gets too hard or crusted up, Dr. Haughey said it will have to be removed surgically. Yikes! That is all for now. Keep checking in for updates...

Love to all,

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Has anyone seen our kids?

You would think it is summer or something! Dana and Dan have been in a social whirl this week. They have been swimming, golfing, and hanging out with friends.

Meanwhile, Denny and I are counting hairs on the dog for entertainment. He is doing well; getting a lot of rest. Life is good!

Love to all,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Return to STL!

The date for Denny's checkup has been confirmed. He will see Dr. Haughey, the ENT, on June 16th at 1pm. Then. he will go to see the chemo doctor, Dr. Adkins, at 2:40pm the same day. Dr. Chicoine, the neurosurgeon, does not need to see him at this time. There will be no scans taken. It was unanimously agreed between the three docs to wait 3 months for scans. We'll keep you posted about any info we get from these appointments. Thanks for checking in.

Love to all,

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dates with the Doctors?

We are still waiting for confirmation of the dates for his checkup. Looks like it will be somewhere around June 15, 16, or 17th. That is what they are shooting for. We'll post the actual dates when it is confirmed.

It is very hot and humid here in the south. Denny is laying low.

All is quiet and peaceful. (Insert cricket sound here...)

Love to all,