Monday, October 11, 2010

Click "like" if you agree

As you know, Denny went back to Missouri this weekend to meet with most of his doctors on Friday. First, he met with Dr. Custer. This doctor has been monitoring Denny's optic nerve for the past 6 years. The reason is when Denny had radiation, it had to be performed close to the optic bridge. Dr. Custer monitors the optic nerve health and looks for any changes that may be occurring. He does this through a combination of detailed eye exams and a test called "The Humphrey Field test". Each test he takes is compared with previous ones to determine if there is any change in his vision field.

The Humphrey Field Test is conducted on a large computer-like monitor with a black screen. Denny sits in front of it and presses a button when tiny pinpoints of light appear. It resembles a star constellation, if you ask me. This helps Dr. Custer know if Denny is losing any vision. It is subjective, however, on whether a person is feeling good that day.

Denny's test on Friday did not come out very well. He said the technician administering the test was not listening to him when he requested an adjustment before taking the test. Denny repeated the test this morning. The results were better but still not as good as previous tests. Dr. Custer wants to see him again in a month to dilate his eyes for further testing. I should mention that we are not concerned about this. Denny has always accurately predicted when he felt there was a problem with his health. He has noticed no vision changes.

The second doctor he visited was Dr. Haughey, the ENT. Dr. Haughey looked at the sinus cavity through the scope and was very pleased with what he saw. He said that everything is healing as it should be from the surgery in May. In addition, he cleaned the sinus area; removing some congestion that Denny was not able to get to with irrigation. He did notice a small sinus infection but nothing significant.

From there, Denny went to get his post-surgery MRI. It came back clear! Of course, the microscopic disease cannot be detected but as long as it hasn't formed into any tumors, then it is not considered an issue.

Lastly, he met with his Neurosurgeon, Dr. Chicoine. Dr. Chicoine was as pleased as Dr. Haughey with Denny's progress. The concern was the healing factor in a previously radiated area. Once again, Denny has come through with flying colors.

His next appointments will be on November 12th with his chemo doctor, Dr. Adkins and with Dr. Custer again.

I was on facebook the other day and an entry caught my eye. "God is still performing miracles every day", click "like" if you agree. I'm quite sure you do not have to guess my response!

Love to all,



    Sometimes "like" just isn't strong enough, and sometimes I don't "like" at all!
    But yes, we "like" this this news...prayed for this news....
    Love to the TEAM

  2. That is great news about all his check-ups! I am SO happy for Denny and his will to beat this disease! Your such a trooper Denny...your experience has humbled me. You and your family are such a blessing to have in my life!
