Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Peaks and Valleys

Denny saw Dr. Murphy yesterday and started his 3rd round of chemo.  She has been out of the country for a week and has not had time to go through her mail so we still have no news from Boston. She is very pleased with Denny's condition.  His labs are normal and his energy level is great.

The good news is this chemo cocktail seems to be working and she is going to proceed with a 4th round.  In between this 3rd round and the 4th one, she is going to schedule a CT scan or MRI.  We don't know which one it will be. So it seems Superman is riding a Peak right now.

It is hard to describe what it is like living with this disease; as the patient as well as a family member.  The Peaks are always very high and the Valleys are always very low.  There never seems to be a middle ground.  When I say, "TheWoodruff4 fight to be normal", it has to do with this very subject.  We try to find the balance between the two.  We stay optimistic that the treatment is working but always hope that there will be a way around any bad news we might receive.  It is our way of keeping our balance. 

Does this mean we have stopped being optimistic about Denny's future? Does this mean we have given up?  NO!  It just means we have to keep things in perspective and try not to let the emotional rollercoaster wear us down.  This is very difficult to do.  However, for now, Denny is physically stable and the cancer appears to be in check.  We are going to take things day-by-day and just enjoy it. Life is good.  YOLO  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again so much for sharing your journey, the peaks and valleys, with us. (((HUG)))
