Friday, May 23, 2014

Driving Restriction Friction

This has been a very busy week for TheWoodruff4.  Denny went through chemo last week and it knocked him pretty hard.  He wasn't looking or feeling too well.  This week, though, he is doing much better.  We saw Dr. Murphy on Thursday morning for a mid-cycle check.  His counts are good and the topotecan is working.  The biggest problem is the driving restriction.  Superman was viewing Lois as the enemy; saying the words were being put into the doctor's mouth.  However, Lois says Superman has selective hearing and didn't remember Dr. Murphy saying he couldn't drive on the interstate, long distances, or back to Missouri.

I brought this up during our meeting with her because the friction is getting pretty tense every time we have to drive him somewhere. He felt he could drive himself to chemo treatments, taking 90 mg of Morphine, in the rain, in road construction, through downtown Nashville during rush hour.  We (Dana, Daniel, and I) understand his frustration but do not want to have anything happen to him or someone else on the road.  So whoever drives him has to have thick skin.  Our driving is critiqued from the minute we get in the car until we get home. Depending on who drives, we are either mad as hell or nervous wrecks by the time we all get home.  However, we will gladly do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe.

On a more happy note, Denny and I got to attend Daniel's Senior Awards Day Banquet.  Dan was given 2 leadership awards, a National FFA scholarship of $1000, and 6 scholarships from Auburn; including an out-of-state-tuition waiver.  When Dan's name was announced I looked over at Denny and saw tears in his eyes.  He was so proud of his son and so happy to be there. I got choked up when I took this picture of them.  So much emotion wrapped up in those little blue award squares.

We have much to be thankful for during this time of transition.  Our baby, our youngest, our son is getting ready to leave the nest.  No more running like mad dogs trying to get to every function, proofreading projects at the 11th hour or ironing official dress for FFA events.  I'm going to miss it but I find I'm looking forward to tailgating at college football games, Parent's Weekends, and school shopping for supplies with the smell of pencils, paper, and new books in the fall with Dana and Daniel.  This chapter is closing but I'm looking forward to the next book.

TheWoodruff4 wish to send encouragement and love to our friend, Ann Price.  Ann is a cancer warrior princess and we are in awe of her tremendous strength.  She fights every day for more time with her beautiful family.  Don't give up, Annie!  Hear us cheering you on?  All you have to do is listen.

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day!  May the sun shine and the burgers be cooked just right.  God Bless America!

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