Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Letter to Denny

Denny is really doing well. His life seems back to normal. He doesn't sleep much during the day anymore. I know he is looking forward to driving and being able to do more things. As it is, he has fixed 2 leaking sinks, the couch leg that broke yesterday, and the headlights on my SUV. He seems to be feeling better each day.

I've been thinking about the coming week as a "re-engagement" in the battle. I think Denny and I have had this on our minds; but separately. We haven't really spoken our thoughts aloud; but each of us is wondering what the week will bring. This blog entry is for him as much as it is for our readers:

Dear Denny,

Cancer is a formidable foe but it CAN be beaten. Between the 4 of us and the team we have behind us, if it can be done; we will do it. NEVER will you be in this battle alone.

I know the news we received when we left St. Louis was a huge body blow to us. However, you have made the most of the last few weeks gathering your strength. I also know that you are aware of the research I have been doing to see what else is out there. I told you what I've found.

The doctors working with you are published forerunners into the cures for this type of cancer you have. They started publishing their findings in 1996; ten years after the discovery of Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma. (As an aside, Washington University is ranked #4 in the nation for their medical school, right behind Harvard, Princeton and Yale. Your doctors teach there!) The National Institute of Rare Cancers says that you are receiving the best treatments known to be available and then some.

I know it is difficult to keep the fear and uncertainty at bay, but we have to try. Keep the faith that you will overcome this disease and we will be celebrating your victory once again. Everything that I have will be fighting with you.

"Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all it's forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is started, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance." - Robert Collier

Love to Denny,

Your "PMS" (Personal Medical Secretary),
Your # 1 Cheerleader,
Your wife, and
Your Warrior,


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