Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Morning Staph Meeting

I'm exhausted so this entry will be short and sweet.  Denny had to go to an Urgent Care Center on Sunday morning.  We were getting ready for church when he said, "I think I'm getting another staph infection."  That is bad enough in a normal situation.  In his case, it could mean that he couldn't receive chemo.  The Urgent Care doc put him on an antibiotic so he could be on it 24 hours before the chemo was set to begin.  We didn't make it to church, needless to say.  I had to work so we were able to see each other for a little before I went in.

I got home around midnight and tried to switch gears to sleep mode.  Finally, at 1pm I went to bed.  We were up again at 5:30 am to head down to Vanderbilt.  After the usual check in routine, we finally saw Dr. Murphy.  She decided to proceed.  We felt a big sigh of relief at that.

Denny was given his chemo today.  Tomorrow and the next day, at 9:30 a.m., he goes in for an hour to have a little more chemo.  Then, he is done until August 12th.  He will be monitored weekly through blood work to make sure he is doing okay.  We are still waiting for the biopsy information.

Nausea seems to be a major concern with these chemo drugs.  We filled 4 prescriptions; two deal with the nausea aspect.  I have no doubt that superman will handle this well.

He appreciates all of the encouragement and the "get well/thinking of you" cards he has been getting in the mail.  Thanks for checking in .  I'll try to get the info on here as soon as it happens. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb,
    I'm sorry to hear about the Staph infection. It maes perfect sense, now, as to why I haven't been able to reach you. Can you call me or email me when you get a chance. Gus, Bob, Linda and I aren't able to come this weekend, but we'd like to come down the weekend of 8/24. Randy will be in again, if doable. Call me @ 314-807-8862 or email to
    Take care,
    Mary B.
