I just spoke with Dr. Haughey's assistant and she said his surgery is confirmed for Thursday, May 13th at 7:30am. We have to be there earlier in the morning so we will come into St. Louis on May 12th. They are not going to take him the day before because the anesthesia pre-surgery testing will be done when we go back for the PET scan on April 27th. There is still the possibilty Denny may go in the night before and that will be discussed at the appointment with Dr. Haughey on April 27th as well.
The plan now is that Denny and I will go to his sister, Anita's, on May 12th. We will spend the night there and check in at the hospital at 5:30am on May 13th. During the time that Denny is in intensive care, I will be staying at Anita's. She is the closest to the hospital.
My mother, Sandy, will be coming in from southern Missouri to stay with Dana and Daniel. She will be with them during Denny's surgery as well as the recovery period we will be doing in St. Louis. Thanks, Mom! You and Dad are always there for us.
Our wonderful neighbor, BJ, has taken good care of them for us so far. She says they are her "adopted" grandchildren. Our whole family thanks you, BJ, from the bottom of our hearts. Love you!
Dana and Daniel are handling this very well. Denny is getting a lot of hugs, "love you, Dad's" and encouragement from them. Dan's confirmation is May 16th and we will not be there. He told me, "That's okay, Mom. I understand. We have to concentrate on getting Dad through this."
Things are moving right along. All the details are being attended to. All the doctors are discussing his case. Everyone assisting will know what their role is and when to do it. No stone is left uncovered. Denny is in the very best of hands!
The doctors will do as much as they possibly can but we feel prayers will do the rest.
"Miracles happen every day. Change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you." - Jon Bon Jovi
Love to all,