Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Results Are In

Denny's appointment was changed to April 20th. In addition to seeing his ENT, Dr. Haughey, he also was seen by a neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Chicoine.

The results of the biopsy are complete. The tumor is malignant and is the same cancer that he had originally; Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC). It is not known if this is part of the original cancer cells or if this is a new form. Dr. Haughey said there is no way to tell. He did say the original cancer site is still clear. He biopsied that area in addition to the region that it is now in.

The new cancer site is in the roof of his sinus cavity which is also the base of his frontal lobe. The cancer is not in the brain. It is just bumping up against it. The doctors, Haughey & Chicoine, are going to team up and go in to surgically remove it. That is good news. Last time, the tumor was inoperable.

The question of radiation and chemotherapy came up in the course of our discussions. Both doctors felt neither would be effective this time. Denny cannot have any more of the radiation he received the first time. Chemo has to be handled carefully with this type of cancer. Last time they were only able to give him 4 rounds of chemo because this type cancer tends to turn on the chemo and possibly accelerate tumor growth.

The operation that is planned is very intricate. Denny will be in surgery all day. He will be in the hospital for about 7-8 days with 1 or 2 of them being in intensive care. The surgery will be done at Barnes Jewish in St. Louis. The doctors are meeting tonight to refine their plans in what is known as "The Tumor Board". Denny's case will be discussed between all of the doctors to get the final plan in place. The date of surgery is unknown at this time. Dr. Haughey, the lead doctor of Denny's team, is out of town next week, so we suspect the surgery may be scheduled for the first week of May. Please check back as I will post the info as soon as it becomes available.

I'll leave you with this thought, "Denny may have cancer, but cancer doesn't have him!" Denny: 1, Cancer: 0

Love to all,


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you! I'm sure this is a rough time for the whole family, but we know that God is a part of your family, and that will make the difference. I pass on my favorite Bible verse to you: We know that all things work together for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
    Jan Watson

  2. Thanks for passing on your blog, Michelle and I will keep tuned to developments. Hope this finds Denny, and the family, with positive feelings about the forthcoming operation. I just know Denny will come through this is in fine shape; he's done it before and he'll do it again! Barnes is a great hospital; I had an operation there in 2007 and was treated just great. We'll be looking for an opportunity to visit Denny at Barnes after the surgery--if that's okay. In the meantime we'll keep looking in here at the blog for more info.

    I wanted to leave you with a little inspirational passage I picked up from a book by Dr. Jim Denison (Founder of GodIssues); it's something to think about: A "...God who sees tomorrow better than I can see today
    knows what is best for both."

  3. I have been waiting to hear from you, that is great news that he can have surgery to remove it! That way you know for sure you have negative margins and can resect the entire tumor! All our love:) Your neighbors, Beau and Jodee
