Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy..5th of July?

I can't believe it is the 5th of July already. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. We hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July.

Denny is feeling a little better today. The bloating and fatigue are the main effects he is dealing with. The good news is that he is eating well. I made some homemade chicken soup that seems to taste really good to him. It has been a little tricky coming up with food combinations that don't taste "metallic" to him. Therefore, he has been eating chicken soup and made-from-scratch fruit smoothies.

A big "thanks" to our niece, Brooke, again! I was in Wal-mart Saturday, armed with the recipes and shopping list from the literature she gave me to help Denny's nutritional needs. It was the day before a holiday and the store was packed. I was talking on the cell phone to her and trying to push a loaded cart one handed through the crowds. It was not pretty! I was getting alot of dirty looks but I was too busy trying to find out if Brooke thought regular ice cream or yogurt ice cream was better choice for Denny's diet. During summer in the south, ice cream is serious business! :)

I'm sending out another big "thanks" to the Motley crew for the wonderful card they sent to me. You guys made my day! At first, I thought it was a mistake as it was addressed to "Debbie Woodruff" instead of "Denny Woodruff". Imagine my surprise, when I opened it and the little note inside was telling me to hang in there! That was so nice of you!

Thanks to everyone for the continued prayers, comments, cards and emails. We appreciate them!

Love to all,

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