Monday, April 29, 2013

It's a Woodruff Life!

After our adventures at Vanderbilt's ER and getting home in the wee hours of Saturday morning, we have hit the ground running.  Saturday and Sunday were spent trying to catch up after being gone a week.  We hadn't anticipated being gone so long so there was a lot to do.  The grass needed cutting and the driveway had to be repaired and graded due to the heavy rains.

Sunday morning we went to church.  It always gives us a sense of peace; a time to reflect on the miracles we have seen.  We were dismayed to hear that 3 other families have been affected by this disease so after the service, all of the families went to the altar and prayers were said for all.  We were touched by the outpouring of love and encouragement we experienced that day.  Our sincerest thanks to everyone for that support.

Denny is doing well.  Today is the day symptoms/reactions are expected from the chemo.  He got up at his usual time and left the house for work at 6:15am.  I called him around 1pm to see how he was doing.  He said he felt "funny"; something is definitely going on.  He said he had a bit of a dizzy spell at lunch time but it passed.  No nausea at this time.  He took his meds to work just in case he needed them. 

The port is still bleeding just a bit.  Denny is putting bandages over it to protect it from infection.  His nose bled quite a bit this morning so we weren't sure what to think of that.  Obviously, we know now that there is a tumor but seeing the blood can be disconcerting.

As we have always done, we are looking forward one day at a time.  This disease will not take that from us.  It's a Woodruff Life; it's our life.  We are making the most of this miracle called "time".

Today is also special because we are celebrating Dana's 19th Birthday.  At 10:57am this morning 19 years ago, Denny was the first person to hold her.  I'm sure he saw some familiar features in the little face looking back at him.  Some memories remain strong; no matter how long ago they occurred.

I will be posting to the blog as updates occur.  It may not be everyday so please feel free to check periodically.  Please know that we hear your voices and are holding strong because of your encouragement.  Thank you so much!   


  1. Prayers of daily blessings coming to you from St Louis. May you know deep inside that our Beloved is holding you close. I know many, many of Denny's old friends from the neighborhood and school are with you...Soul and Spirit...
    Tom Fogarty

  2. Wishing we lived close enough that we could pop by and share some of our hugs and love with you guys. You 4 are in our prayers and thoughts daily. Love to all.
