Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hospitalized at Vanderbilt

Shortly after my blog post yesterday, Denny started running a fever. He went to the Saturday Clinic offered through our primary care physician and was referred to the ER. Due to the chemotherapy, his immune system is at it's lowest point right now. The fever indicated an infection so he was admitted to the hospital to a private room at about 10:30pm last night.

He is receiving some pretty potent antibiotics and his fever is down to normal. Luckily, this was caught soon enough to prevent any serious problems. He will probably be in the hospital today and be released probably tomorrow. This is subject to change at the doctor's discretion.

Please check the blog for updates. I will post as I get new info. Thanks for checking in.

Love to all,


  1. Oh poor Denny. Well I'm glad they were able to get the fever down before anything serious came of it.
    Keep us posted.

  2. So, you can finish celebrating when you both get back home--stretch that party out.
    Seriously, we're sorry this "road bump" happened, but thankful that things seem to be under control. Love to you all, and prayers for you all. Gene and Helen

  3. Happy birthday Denny! Sorry to hear of your infection. Maybe they make azithromycin flavored ice cream to go with your cake. I'll check on that for you. Be well.

