Saturday, May 15, 2010

25 hours in a day

8:35 a.m. Denny was moved out of intensive care last night about 6 p.m. It was a long and drawn out process. Without boring you with details, he finally got the private room I wanted at 11 p.m. I'll post later in the day with more details. I'm heading over to the hospital in a little while. Denny is still not taking visitors. His fever is down. The man is amazing. He is awesomely strong! Just sit tight and I'll get back to this blog in an hour or so.

8:30 p.m. Okay, so I lied. It has been more than a few hours. The guest services area at the hospital has the computer that I update on. It is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Denny's new room number is 10574. (Please do not call the room because he cannot get to the phone and noise makes him crazy!)
When I got to the hospital this morning, they had already tube-fed him. It made him nauseous so they had to give him some anti-nausea meds. This is becoming a concern because he has only had that one feeding all day. His stomach is just not working yet. The pain meds have been known to slow the stomach action down. The docs are trying to find that happy medium between pain control and starting his digestive system.
They took the bandage off of his head. Considering everything they had to do to get inside of his head, he looked pretty good. He's kind of got this Henry the Eighth look going on. Hey, it's good to be the king!
His pain was under control this morning and he was sleeping. The nurse said he did pretty well through the night. Today was MUCH BETTER! We had an excellent nurse. We hardly had to call for anything because she was there when he needed it. The private room is a necessity. Denny is so hypersensitive to noise and light, that he gets really agitated when beepers or phones go off. The lights are off and the shades are drawn. It is dark and cool so he is sleeping well.
Thanks to the Woodruff/Theodorakas/Jones entourage that visited today. You guys made the day pass quickly for me!
Denny is still not ready for visitors. His head cannot be elevated above 30 degrees or he gets dizzy and light headed. Right now, he just needs to sleep.
I was very happy about how the day went. Denny is stronger today than he was yesterday. I can already see a difference since this morning. I can't wait to see what good things tomorrow will bring!

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de-Saint Exupery

Love to all,


  1. John is having some good laughs over your "pitbull" post. Glad to hear Denny is staying strong and overcoming all obstacles in his way! He is fighting for the TEAM!

  2. good to hear he is doing good look forward to seein him sometime

  3. We are still with you guys. Love the posts, how did we ever live without this. We are a little late with our post due to Kelly had district track meet. She runs 100 meter hurdles, she PR'd today.
    Be strong, and take care of yourself and keep healthy for Denny. Don't over do it.

  4. Hello Deb. Have not wanted to get in the way, but the Woodruffs have not left our thoughts. We are so pleased with the outcome thus far as we know you guys are. I know that life in the hospital is so very tough. Hang on. You'll soon be in the homestretch. I know that all who are reading your words are reminded how rich our lives are and what taking our good healths for granted really means. Have you ever considered writing professionally. I mean it--awesome.

    Intend to try and snag us some Dana-time tomorrow. Perry has been talking (texting) with her. He has some Paramore recorded for her on TV and also wants to see Iron Man 2 with her(the title of which oddly makes me think of her father....)

    Love and a hug,
    Kathy & crew
