Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Final preparations are underway for our trip to St. Louis. My mom is coming in from Missouri today. Denny and I will leave around noon tomorrow. He wants to get a half day's work in.

There has been one change to our plans. Originally, we were going to stay with Denny's sister, Anita. However, the doctors want Denny to be close to the hospital when he is discharged. Therefore, when we leave tomorrow, we will be going to a lodge operated by the American Cancer Society. It is about 1 mile from the hospital. I will be staying there for the duration; Denny will be there when he is discharged.

Of course, thousands of thoughts are racing through our minds like dandelion fluff floating in the summer breeze. I'm wondering if I have everything packed, if I've taken care of the things the kids will need for school, if I paid all the bills, and if Denny is feeling positive and strong. I'm sure I have an idea of what Denny is thinking too.

Then, the oddest thing happened. I woke up this morning and the strangest memory came to my mind. When I was working at McDonnell-Douglas, before it became Boeing, I had a co-worker named Joe I. His last name was Greek and could probably take up one whole sentence. Joe was a short, homely, rotund little man with heavy jowls; kind of like a Greek Santa Claus. However, Joe had a special gift. He had a beautiful, golden voice; rich and strong like Jack Daniel's whiskey.

One day I came into work and he was standing in the middle of the room quoting passages from his favorite poem, "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. At first, I was embarrassed for him. "Yikes", I thought. "Who does this kind of thing at work?" Then, I started to listen.

"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul."

I can still hear his powerful voice. Isn't it strange that should be the first thing I think of this morning? Joe had serious heart problems and died not long after his office oration. The memory of that little man with the big voice was just what I needed today. Invictus!

Love to all,


  1. Wish you all the best of luck on surgery day and for the long recovery he will have to go thru. You will all be in our thoughts and prayers for the weeks ahead. God Bless you all!

    That poor old man with the voice....I bet everyone was making fun of him~ but least you stopped and listened and now repeat the words in your head for your journey! Your the best!

  2. Deb, Michelle and I know this is a challenging time for Denny, as well too for you and the family, now, and for the trying days ahead. We will be prayerfully waiting for the good results that we know will come from Denny's operation on Thursday.

    For what it's worth: Strange how the more sweeter the world smells when your chin is held high; it's because your nose is now much higher in the sweet fragrance of Life. Please give Denny our very best, and may God Bless you all.
