Friday, May 28, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

It is so good to be home! (Denny is still sleeping!) We got here about 5:30 p.m. yesterday. There was quite a welcome waiting for us. The kids made a big "WELCOME HOME" banner and hung it across the doorway. Mom had made my favorite dinner (Lasagna) and Denny's favorite dessert (banana creme pie). It was ready for us when we walked in the door. After we enjoyed the meal together, Denny sat down in his favorite chair to watch TV. When I looked in on him a little later, he was sleeping. The King was back in his castle!

My mom and I sat on the deck with a glass of wine and enjoyed the evening breeze. I know the battle isn't over, but for this moment in time, all is right in our world. Time will give Denny the opportunity to heal and me, a chance to regroup. Then, The Woodruff 4 will stand together to face the enemy again. We know there is a great "team" standing with us. Thank you for the cards, visits, gifts, emails, and prayers. You have made all the difference!

Love to all,


  1. What a great mom you have Deb! I know you guys can do anything...Thank you for keeping us all updated on your family's journey!

  2. "I know the battle isn't over, but for this moment in time, all is right in our world."

    What a wonderful outlook you have Deb! I so admire you and your families strength and positive attitude through all this.

    I agree with Jodee - thank you so much for keeping us posted; for sharing such a personal and important time of your life with us.
