Monday, April 28, 2014

Downtime for Deb

This will be a quick post, everyone.  I've been running the fast track for the past two weeks and need a little downtime. 

Marilyn, Denny's stepmom, went home today.  Denny was glad he got to spend some quality time with her.  Daniel is in Oklahoma City to compete in a National FFA Competition.  Dana is going through Finals at college. The house seems very quiet.

Denny is doing well.  The swelling in his face has gone down.  It is almost back to normal.  We were getting 2 different stories as to what the swelling was.  One doc said, "Blood clot".  The other doc said, "Tumor".  Dr. Murphy confirmed, today, that it was the tumor.  The topotecan is starting to kick in.

Dr. Murphy also reduced the pain medicine a little.  Denny felt the dosage he came home from the hospital with was too strong.  He is still comfortable and has started eating much better.

We have also been told that radiation has been taken off the table as a treatment option.  The dosage that he had in 2004 was so strong it can never be given again. 

Denny had labs drawn today and the blood counts were good.  He goes back in a week for another follow-up with Dr. Murphy.  She is keeping a close eye on Superman and continues to search for options.

It is storming here.  The clouds are dark and the rain is steady.  We are warm and dry; relaxing and resting.  Stay safe, everyone!  Good Night!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Superman and The Super-Fly Senior Chicks

Denny went into the clinic yesterday for his Nulasta infusion. This shot is needed to help keep his white blood cell count high so he can fight off any infection. He has had adverse reactions to this shot before but yesterday went well. Now that Denny is not in pain, he thought he should come off of the pain meds. He doesn't like the way they make him feel. However, the nurse practitioner said he needs to stay on them because pain like he is having is hard to manage. If he waits until he feels pain to take the medicine, it can't get ahead of it and work effectively. Our neighbor, Dorothy, was a hospice nurse before she retired. She, along with Marilyn, went to the clinic with Denny. She was immensely helpful with the situation yesterday. Thank you, Dorothy! I was teasing them about being the Super-Fly Chicks. Marilyn said "No, we are like those older ladies on that TV Show. Whatchacallit? Cougars?" Haha! Some good news? Denny ate very well yesterday and the swelling in his face is going down. The other good news? Dan got another scholarship! Looks like the Roller Coaster is headed back up the track!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Quick Update

I'm getting ready for work but wanted to give a quick update.  Sorry there was no post yesterday.  I was crazy busy!  I brought Denny home from the hospital about 2pm yesterday.  The swelling in his face was down from the day before.  The swelling is not only the tumor inflaming the facial nerve but also another blood clot.  The clots in his neck never really went away.  For some reason, the one on the left side is active again. Thanks to Pastor Mark for his visit to the hospital yesterday.  Denny really appreciated it. 

Marilyn, Denny's mom, is here and she will be taking care of him while I am at work for the next 3 days.  He is still not eating very well so she is going to try to get some ensure and soup in him.  He is very groggy on pain meds.  So I've asked her to get him up and moving a little bit.  I'm afraid he is going to have more problems with blood clots if he is always laying down.

Today he is headed into Vanderbilt for a Nulasta shot.  This is to build his white blood cell count.  Denny doesn't tolerate this well.  His blood pressure just drops suddenly.  Our neighbor, Dorothy, who is also a nurse is going with them.  He will be monitored in the hospital when the shot is given and Dorothy will be there to make sure all goes well. Thanks, Dorothy!

TheWoodruff4 are thankful for family and friends.  Thanks for the encouragement and prayers during this difficult time.  Superman is fighting; he just needs us to help push him through this little bump in the road.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Baby Steps

I haven't been into the hospital yet.  I've been disinfecting his room and bathroom again.  He is coming home tomorrow so I want everything to be ready.  I'm washing all the sheets/towels in Clorox.  He is almost finished with the antibiotic so I don't want him to re-infect himself.

I called the hospital and spoke to his nurse, Angie.  She said he ate some breakfast and seems to be resting comfortably.  I know he was yesterday so the pain is being controlled.  They plan to take him off the pain pump today and switch to oral pain medication.  They expect more of an up-and-down response because the only way to keep the pain medicine level is through IV.

He will get his 3rd chemo treatment today at 2pm.  Angie will be monitoring his pain levels.  His 4th and last chemo treatment for the week will be tomorrow at 10am.  After that, they plan to discharge him to come home.

Yesterday, the swelling in his face began to increase.  His speech became more difficult because the facial nerve is affected by the tumor swelling.  The swelling increased overnight so the doctors were called in to make sure he wasn't have an allergic reaction to something.  That has been ruled out.  They have told him to lay on his right side in an effort to drain some of the fluid collecting on the left side.

The swelling, in addition to affecting his speech, is also impairing his eyesight.  The swelling is causing his left eye to be pushed upward causing it to not track correctly.  This is giving Denny some major depth perception problems.  This is making him very anxious.  Losing his eyesight has always been a very, very big concern for him.

I have to work 3 back-to-back 12 hour shifts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Dana is still away at college getting ready for finals week.  Dan is preparing to leave at 5:30am Sunday for Oklahoma to compete in the National FFA Soils Competition.  Denny's mom is coming to stay with him during this time.  I will have peace of mind knowing he is not here alone.  Our neighbors next door are nurses so if anything emergent happens, they are just steps away. 

As soon as I finish getting everything ready for Denny's homecoming, I will be heading to the hospital.  He would enjoy visitors.  His room number is 11012.  Please do not call the room! He cannot reach the phone.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.  I read the facebook comments to Superman yesterday.  He thought they were very encouraging and appreciates all his family and friends. Superman is taking baby steps to wellness. They may be small but they are headed in the right direction!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Don't Stop Believin'

I love that song by Journey. Today, it was rolling through my head as I drove to Vanderbilt. Last night was a tough one for me. I hadn't had much sleep so fear and worry were trying to get to me. This morning, I read through the comments you have left for us on Facebook. These little diamonds of inspiration brought me back. I'm going to read them to Superman today. When I walked into his room, he was a little more alert. I questioned his nurse and care partner about his food intake at breakfast. Both said he didn't eat; the tray went out the same way it came in. I asked for orders to be put in for some Ensure or Boost. Denny's pain level is holding at a 4. They are continuing to adjust the medicine in an effort to get it down . The goal is 2 or below. He is not as groggy as he was yesterday. He has a nice big window with a great view of Nashville. The kids and I sent him a cheerful little balloon bouquet that contains a superman Mylar that he loved. The doctor said he will be here at least until Thursday. Chemo will be given each day. The lunch tray just came in and I notice he is eating the soup, green beans and mashed potatoes. I think Superman is going to rally. Don't stop believing! Come on, Superman! You can do this!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Small Victories

Denny has been admitted into a private room at Vanderbilt. He has been pretty heavily sedated today. The pain level is down to a 5. He is only rousing from sleep when the pain becomes intolerable to hit the button on the pain med pump. He is very irritable and is having a hard time hearing. He is not eating or drinking very well and has already lost 5 pounds since Friday. I'm not going to lie; this is worrying me. A small victory is that Dr. Murphy has ordered chemo to start tonight. If we can get the tumor to shrink, maybe the pain will be backed down and he will start eating again. He needs to keep his strength up. Somehow, we have to turn this bus around! I'm at his bedside keeping watch until Superman can rally. Requesting prayers for Denny...

The Tenacious D's

We have spent the night in this ER room. Denny has been somewhat more comfortable with pain but it has been up and down. He was taken for an MRI about 5 am. The slurred speech, narrowed neck veins due to clots, and the tumor made this necessary.  Stroke was a concern.  The results came back around 9 am. The tumor is not showing much change. Some lymph nodes in his neck are enlarged but not worrisome. He is going to be admitted to Vanderbilt for pain management. He will be hooked to a PCA pump. This is a self-medicating pain pump. He will be getting continuous pain medicine and have the ability to press a button for more if needed. The pump will lock when the maximum dose is reached so he can't over-medicate. This will give the doctors feedback on how much pain medicine he needs to be comfortable. Then, they can adjust the oral medication for him to take at home to stay comfortable. Superman was starting to wear down under the onslaught of pain. He has a tremendous pain tolerance so for him to lose strength shows how terrible this pain is. However, I see the Phoenix rising. He is coming back. The Tenacious D's will fight for him until he gets that strength back. Thanks, everyone, for the prayers and messages of encouragement. In the middle of the night, when fear gains strength, your messages are the little rays of light that help Faith and Hope shine through.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

No Time to Wait

I've spoken to Denny several times today. Each time, I noticed more slurring in his speech. He said he was taking 2 pain pills every 3 hours and his pain level stayed at a 6 or 7. That was enough for me. I got off of work at 9pm, called the oncology after-hours line. I told the doctor what was happening and said, "Something needs to be done! He is suffering." The doctor agreed and told me to bring him into the ER.  I called Dan and said, "Please bring your Dad to Vanderbilt. I'll be waiting outside the ER." As soon as they arrived, Denny got checked into an ER room immediately. Dan drove on home because he needed to get to bed for school tomorrow. The  Nurses and Doctors were all over Denny; asking me questions, putting in IV's and starting fluids & pain meds. I'm not sure where we go from here but the ball is rolling.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The good news is Denny came home from the hospital last night.  The bad news is his white blood cell counts are so low that Chemo scheduled for Monday has been cancelled.  The Ugly?  Well, Superman's arch foe has returned. 

The cancer is growing at an alarming rate.  The left side of his face is starting to swell again.  He is not doing too well today with pain management.  We are going to call the doctor on Monday to see if he can start radiation.  We can't let the cancer get a grip on him. 

He is trying to relax in his chair and watch sports on TV today.  He has been taking pain meds and drinking lots of fluids.  He says the roof of his mouth is starting to feel funny again.  I went to Wal-mart and bought some soft foods I think he can handle.  I got some soups, fruit cups, Gatorade, and Ensure.  He needs to eat healthy in order to keep strong.

I'm still cleaning the house with Clorox and sanitizing all the linens.  I've wiped down the TV remotes, wall switches. lamp pulls, door knobs, etc....  Think about what you touch every day in your house.  I'm trying to keep it all as clean as possible.

It is a strange, sad, Easter this year.  Last year, Dana and Justin were dying Easter Eggs. I was fixing a big family dinner to eat after Church.  This year, Dana and Justin are no longer together.  No eggs have been dyed. I'm fixing food for the boys to eat tomorrow while I'm at work.  And Dana?  She can't come home because of risk of exposure to the gastrointestinal flu I had.  With the 2 week incubation period, it would put her right a final's week to get sick. 

Added to that, I feel really helpless in this battle Superman is fighting.  It is hard to watch someone you love suffer like this.  I asked, "Denny, can I get you anything? Gatorade? Ice Water?"  He replied, "No, just pray for me."

So hurry up, Monday!  I plan to be on the phone getting some kind of plan in motion.  Superman has fought too long and too hard to be derailed now. I'm getting out my briefcase.  I've got my list of phone numbers ready and I won't quit until a plan is in place. Onward!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Midnight Hour

I just got home from the Williamson Medical Center. Denny does not have the flu. He has been diagnosed with a highly contagious bacterial infection in his colon called "C-Diff". He is on the oncology floor and is doing well. He is going to be getting a course of IV antibiotics and is going to be monitored for dehydration. He is still running a low-grade fever. As I understand, most people with healthy immune systems can successfully fight off C-Diff. However, Denny's infection fighting ability is really low at the moment. For my nursing friends, his white cell count is 2.5.  I have no doubt that Superman will win this battle.  I'm feeling better. The nausea is gone. I'm just really tired. I wanted to give the update before I went to sleep so you all weren't wondering what happened. I plan to sleep in tomorrow. Denny is in good hands so I'm going to rest for awhile. TheWoodruff4 also send out condolences to Emily McDonald for the loss of her grandfather. He has also been a warrior in the battle against cancer. Good night, friends! Sleep tight and Angels watch over you...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update on Superman

We are at the hospital. He is receiving IV fluids. They have drawn some blood and have taken all his vitals. He is still running a low grade fever. We have been told he will probably be admitted. Once he is comfortably settled, I will head home. I hope Dan doesn't come down with this.

Roller Coaster Ride

Remember when you were a kid, how exciting a ride on a roller coaster was?  Well, it is not quite as fun these days.  The roller coaster of cancer is constantly trying to shift us off balance.  Once again, it is trying.

Sunday night I came down with a severe gastrointestinal virus; vomiting, body ache, and other nasty things.  By yesterday, I wasn't getting any better so I went to see our primary care physician.  She gave me some anti-nausea medicine and sent me to the hospital to get IV fluids because I was so dehydrated. 

Today, I am feeling a little better but not good.  I woke up around 10:30am.  Denny was still not up. 
This is not a good sign.  When I first felt sick on Sunday night, I moved into Dana's room to sleep so I wouldn't get Denny sick. He is coming to the end of his low period from chemotherapy.  Getting sick now is serious.

Guess what?  It's serious.  Denny has the same illness.  I've called our primary care doctor and his oncologist.  Dr. Murphy's assistant called back and said since we are both sick, we can't come to the clinic.  They don't want us to go to the ER there because it will take too long to be seen.

I have to take him to Williamson Medical Center where I was yesterday.  They said that will be the most expeditious way for him to be seen.  Both Doctors have said he needs to be seen immediately.  The oncologist's assistant also told me I need to bring in family help but I said that was ridiculous.  Why would I want to infect anyone else with this?  We will make it through.

So, we are headed down to the ER.  It is about 45 minutes away.  Say a prayer that we can get control of this before it gets a grip on Superman.  Time to fly!  I will update as soon as I can.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thank God!

That is all I can seem to say tonight, "Thank God, Thank God!" Once again, as we have been standing with our toes curling over the edge into the abyss, a miracle has happened to pull us back.  Denny had labs drawn and saw Dr. Murphy today.  His labs came back normal; no white blood cell drop as was expected.  Dr. Murphy walked in the door and stared at Superman in amazement.  She said, "You look normal!  The topotecan is working!"  She said that topotecan does not usually work so quickly and was flabbergasted that Denny had such a "phenomenal" response.  She also said that topotecan and radiation cannot be given together.  With the response he's had, she doesn't feel he needs the radiation at this time.

But wait!  There is even better news!  Topotecan, unlike other types of chemo, has no limit to how many times it can be administered.  Denny can stay on topotecan as long as the tumor continues to respond.  This means his cancer will just be treated like a chronic disease.  He will have to go in for a treatment after every 3rd week.  Isn't this unbelievable?

Radiation will be an option when the cancer becomes resistant to the topotecan.  Incidentally, all of the paperwork was faxed into Vanderbilt by this morning.  I called up to St. Louis early this a.m. and right off the bat, the girl said, "You don't have to drive up - I'm sending it right now!"  I don't know about you but that made me laugh.  They REALLY don't want to see me, do they? Hahaha!

As we were leaving Vanderbilt, Denny turned to me and said, "Could this day be any better?" Then, he smiled; a genuine-from-the-heart-through-his-eyes smile.  "No", I said, "This day could not be any better!"  We held hands walking to the car and just thanked God.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hot Under the Collar

I worked yesterday so I was unable to update the blog.  However, rest assured, things are moving in the right direction.  Denny's face looks normal today.  The tumor bulge in the roof of his mouth has receded.  The only remaining issue is the left-side numbness of his face.  The doctors do not think this will recover.

Denny was outside working on the jeep this morning when I took a call from Dr. Murphy's office.  Elizabeth, her assistant, called to "encourage" us to keep our appointment tomorrow.  This puzzled me.  Did she really think we were not going to show?  I started to ask questions.  Elizabeth said, "Well, the radiation scheduled for the 14th is not going to happen.  We are still waiting for the dosimetry from St. Louis."  "Radiation?", I said.  "We weren't told he was starting on the 14th."  Elizabeth said that until the information (dosimetry) outlining where the radiation was the first time and the strength levels used, they cannot proceed.  Everything is on hold.

Those of you reading the blog for any amount of time can imagine my response to that.  I was hot under the collar!  I told Elizabeth I would make sure the information got to her ASAP.  After getting off of the phone, I got out my planner, looked up all the contact numbers I had for people I knew in Radiation Oncology in St. Louis and got to work. 

I called the personal assistant to Dr. Thorstad, Denny's Radiation Oncologist in St. Louis.  She was not in but another person returned my call.  I gave her the story and said it is urgent that we get this information sent to Vanderbilt.  She assured me that she would make sure it got done.  I smiled to myself because I KNOW it will.  I will personally drive up there and track it down!  I have done it before and will do it again if necessary! Denny's PMS (Personal Medical Secretary- what were you thinking?) is on the job!

Things are back to "normal" around the house.  If you were to see us, you would never know there was anything wrong.  We are enjoying the lull.  Denny is resting when he needs to.  The pain is controlled. His face is back to normal.  We have experienced another miracle!

Tomorrow, we will meet with Dr. Murphy. I will post the updates as soon as I can.  Stay tuned and keep the prayers coming!  Thanks for checking in.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Life's a Gas!

Denny was in bed by the time I got home from work last night.  With the rain and traffic from events in Nashville, it was 10:15pm by the time I walked in the door. 

He slept until about 10:30am.  This is very late for Denny who is usually an early riser.  When he came into the kitchen to get some breakfast, I was amazed at the difference in his face.  The left side has gone down considerably.  The antibiotics must have taken a few days to work because we were not seeing any results in the hospital.  The tumor has recessed a bit from the roof of his mouth making it easier to eat.

Denny says he thinks the Topotecan is working as well.  Dr. Murphy said it sometimes breaks up the tumor as it shrinks it down.  Denny felt some relief from the pressure this morning so he feels maybe that is happening as well.

I was starting to worry about Superman in the hospital.  He manages his positive attitude and mental health by staying busy.  This has always worked for both of us.  It keeps us from dwelling on negative things.  Three days of mindless TV was not keeping him busy.  I mentioned that to Dan that I needed to find something to take in for him to fix if he was going to be in the hospital much longer.  Dan said, "Well, there is nothing little enough that is broken to take in.  Maybe we should break a toaster or something."  We both laughed at how silly that sounded.

I left off the blog yesterday with Denny's brother, Jimmy, bringing him home from the hospital.  As I've mentioned in previous blogs, Denny has been working on a 1991 Jeep Wrangler.  That has been his big project the past few months.  They decided to take a little drive so Jimmy could see Denny's new "toy".  They got about 2 miles from home and ran out of gas.  The gas gauge still said 1/2 a tank.  Now, Denny has something to fix!  A kind neighbor stopped and gave them 2 gallons of gas to get home.  When he told me this story, I just rolled my eyes. Why does this not surprise me?

Superman is back to life.  He plans to work on his jeep, fix a motor in one of the car's door's so that the window will go up again. In between, he rests in "his" chair if he can get there before our dog, Toby! 

Looking back, it is a wonder we can keep our balance.  On Wednesday, we were on a high; celebrating Dan's awesome scholarship to Auburn.  By Thursday, we were in the ER getting grim news.  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Denny's body was doing battle against pain and swelling.  Our whole family was fighting to stay strong and positive.  Today, he is drinking Gatorade; sitting in his chair looking normal with no swelling and watching TV.  Isn't this a crazy, wonderful life?

Originally, the doctors said we would find out today what the plan is.  They have moved it back to Thursday because Dr. Murphy wants to give the Topotecan time to work.  The radiation oncologist needs time to get everything set up for radiation treatments.  We have a few days to just rest, relax and let Denny's body heal.  I work tomorrow but will try to update the blog.  I've been assured that there are some readers out there that are hanging on every word. Don't want to mention any names,  Alan Branson, but I will do my best. Haha!

Many, many, thanks to all of you.  Your phone calls, cards, emails, and facebook comments have meant the world to us.  It let us know we were not alone in this battle.  Prayers are his greatest weapon so please keep them coming.  I will continue to post updates as they become available.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Denny is home and resting.  When Dan was at Church, discharge orders came through. Denny's brother, Jimmy, had driven in from Missouri to see him. Jimmy took him home and they had lunch together before Jimmy left for home. Dan is with him now. Two wonderful friends took some food over for the boys. I am working so I was worried about what they would have to eat since I haven't been able to grocery shop.  Thank you, Dana Robertson and Pam Stahl! You are lifesavers! We will be going to the doctor on Thursday to see where we go from here. Denny has pain meds and antibiotics so he should be comfortable. I'll post news here so keep checking for updates. Thanks, everyone!

Sunday Morning

Last night, another IV shut down.  They are having a tough time keeping them viable.  Denny's veins are getting harder to access.  They had to have a nurse from the burn unit come down with a machine that would tell them where a good access place was so they didn't have to keep sticking him.

He was also having some trouble with nausea and wasn't able to keep supper down.  No one is sure what caused this.  When I left last night around 9pm, he was sleeping.  The antibiotics and painkillers do not seem to be working very well.

I have to work today so Dan is going to stay with his Dad.  So after Church, Dan is going to pack up his homework and spend some time with Superman.  I work in the same complex so I will go see him during my lunch and be available if something happens.

Please keep the prayers coming.  Life is worth fighting for and Denny is giving it all he's got!  Hang in there, Superman! 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rugged Heart

There has been a lot happening in the past 24 hours.  Yesterday afternoon, the radiation oncologist ordered another CT scan to get Denny ready for radiation if that becomes part of the plan.  We had been told all this time that radiation will never be an option again.  The radiation oncologist (Dr. Cmelak) that is seeing Denny disagrees.  He is reviewing all the data before ruling it out.  This doctor has patients coming to him from all over the world because of his work in head and neck cancer radiation.  He is a researcher, professor and director at Vanderbilt in this area.  Denny is in good hands. 

Vanderbilt got Denny's films from the Center for Advanced Medicine in St. Louis from his initial radiation treatment in 2004.  Dr. Cmelak wants to see what the original radiation field was.  Since the tumor has moved locations and with the advances in radiation medicine, there is a chance that Denny can have IGRT instead of IMRT as he had last time.  We don't know much about IGRT at this time so we can't answer any questions you may have.  As I write, Dr. Murphy and Dr. Cmelak are working on a plan of action for Denny.  We are meeting with the teams on Monday.

Chemo is being delayed until they can get a handle on this infection.  Denny will probably be in the hospital at least until Monday, we are guessing.  He is still getting IV antiobiotics.  They keep switching the types of antibiotic so hopefully treatment can proceed soon.

Denny had a rough night last night.  His IV came out and he said it looked like the OJ Simpson crime scene.  It took 3 nurses to finally find a vein to get one back in.  For some reason, he doesn't have easy veins to access the IV.  Hopefully, today will be a little better.

If you want to visit, his room is similar to Intensive care; only 2 people at a time.  Please use the hand sanitizer at the door before entering.  He is still in the Critical Care Tower at Vanderbilt in Room 7649.  I am going to be heading down shortly.  Dan and I had to do something things around home this morning to try to keep everything running smoothly.

Thanks for the prayers, cards and encouragement.  Thanks to Pastor Mark Youngman for his visit yesterday.  He is a very inspiring and encouraging man.  We appreciate you, Mark. 

Superman is still fighting hard.  His heart and soul are doing battle to win more time.  He wants to see Dan graduate on May 31st.  That has been his goal since 2004 - to at least see both of his kids graduate from high school.  Please, God, give him another miracle!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Critical Care Unit

Denny has been moved to the Critical Care Unit, Room 7649 at Vanderbilt. He can't hear very well at the moment so we don't advise calling his room.  He is only going to be here until tomorrow. Here is the update: he has an infection that is being hit with heavy duty IV antibiotics. The swelling is the tumor. It has broken through his maxillary sinus bone and is wrapped around a major facial nerve. The docs are considering their options. Isn't that a nice word? "Options"... We like that! They are not giving up on the Topotecan because it hasn't had enough time to work. Other options under consideration are debulking it through surgery and maybe even radiation. Since it has been 10 years, the IMRT radiation may be thrown back in as a possibility.  So don't give up on Superman. We have had our backs to the wall before and God has granted him a miracle. The battle is still on! The Woodruff 4 are hanging tough. Hang in there with us!  Prayers requested, please. I'll keep posting news here. Thanks for checking in.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

In The ER

Final Update for the night: Denny is going to be admitted to the hospital.  Preliminary results of the CT scan show infection.  No blood clot.  No information on the tumor yet.  We will see what Dr. Murphy says tomorrow when she sees him and gets the final reading of the CT.

The doctors have prescribed IV antibiotics and pain medicine for tonight. We decided that I should leave the hospital before the big storm hit.  Denny did not want me driving home in it.  He is comfortable and waiting to be taken to his hospital room.  I plan to go back in the morning and will update the blog at that time.  Thank you, friends and family, for all of your encouraging notes on my facebook post.  Denny really appreciates your comments and prayers.  Good Night!

9:00pm-Denny just left for his CT scan. Hopefully, it won't take long!

8:45pm-Typing from my phone so bear with me. Denny is in a room in the ER now. The ER doc came in and examined Denny.  He seems to think it is an infection or a combination of things. He said he didn't want to scare us but infections in the head area can be very hard to control if not caught in time. Blood tests and scans have been ordered. We are just waiting now. Denny is comfortably situated in a bed watching TV. I will keep updating as things progress. Thanks for checking in.

Denny's face on the left side is extremely swollen. He woke up this morning in obvious discomfort. I called Dr. Murphy to see if we needed to go to the ER or to see her. To make a long story short, we saw her and are now waiting to be seen in the ER. She said it could be one of three things: infection, blood clot, or the tumor growing at an alarming rate. We are waiting for Denny to get a scan; either an MRI or CT, whatever can be done the quickest. I will keep posting with updates as soon as I can.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chemical Warfare & War Eagle!

Denny is getting ready for his 3rd of 4 chemo treatments today.  He has always tolerated chemo well but this Topotecan is rough stuff.  He is tired and nauseous.  He is also saying he feels dizzy.  He is taking pain meds to help control the pain.  I can't imagine the chemical warfare that is going on inside his body.  The past few days have not been the greatest but he keeps moving on.  Nothing is going to stop Superman!

On another front, we received some wonderful news.  Dan has made his college decision.  Auburn University will have a new tiger in the Fall.  Dan's hard work has paid off.  He has received enough scholarships and grants to pay his out-of-state tuition.  We will still have to pay room and board. We are so happy for him!  Auburn is his first choice school. 

Keep fighting, Superman and War Eagle!