Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Don't Stop Believin'

I love that song by Journey. Today, it was rolling through my head as I drove to Vanderbilt. Last night was a tough one for me. I hadn't had much sleep so fear and worry were trying to get to me. This morning, I read through the comments you have left for us on Facebook. These little diamonds of inspiration brought me back. I'm going to read them to Superman today. When I walked into his room, he was a little more alert. I questioned his nurse and care partner about his food intake at breakfast. Both said he didn't eat; the tray went out the same way it came in. I asked for orders to be put in for some Ensure or Boost. Denny's pain level is holding at a 4. They are continuing to adjust the medicine in an effort to get it down . The goal is 2 or below. He is not as groggy as he was yesterday. He has a nice big window with a great view of Nashville. The kids and I sent him a cheerful little balloon bouquet that contains a superman Mylar that he loved. The doctor said he will be here at least until Thursday. Chemo will be given each day. The lunch tray just came in and I notice he is eating the soup, green beans and mashed potatoes. I think Superman is going to rally. Don't stop believing! Come on, Superman! You can do this!


  1. Dennis, I want to call and/or visit when up to it. Many prayers being lifted up.

    Tough times, but happening to one of the toughest ever.


  2. I should have typed "when you're up to it".
