Monday, April 7, 2014

Life's a Gas!

Denny was in bed by the time I got home from work last night.  With the rain and traffic from events in Nashville, it was 10:15pm by the time I walked in the door. 

He slept until about 10:30am.  This is very late for Denny who is usually an early riser.  When he came into the kitchen to get some breakfast, I was amazed at the difference in his face.  The left side has gone down considerably.  The antibiotics must have taken a few days to work because we were not seeing any results in the hospital.  The tumor has recessed a bit from the roof of his mouth making it easier to eat.

Denny says he thinks the Topotecan is working as well.  Dr. Murphy said it sometimes breaks up the tumor as it shrinks it down.  Denny felt some relief from the pressure this morning so he feels maybe that is happening as well.

I was starting to worry about Superman in the hospital.  He manages his positive attitude and mental health by staying busy.  This has always worked for both of us.  It keeps us from dwelling on negative things.  Three days of mindless TV was not keeping him busy.  I mentioned that to Dan that I needed to find something to take in for him to fix if he was going to be in the hospital much longer.  Dan said, "Well, there is nothing little enough that is broken to take in.  Maybe we should break a toaster or something."  We both laughed at how silly that sounded.

I left off the blog yesterday with Denny's brother, Jimmy, bringing him home from the hospital.  As I've mentioned in previous blogs, Denny has been working on a 1991 Jeep Wrangler.  That has been his big project the past few months.  They decided to take a little drive so Jimmy could see Denny's new "toy".  They got about 2 miles from home and ran out of gas.  The gas gauge still said 1/2 a tank.  Now, Denny has something to fix!  A kind neighbor stopped and gave them 2 gallons of gas to get home.  When he told me this story, I just rolled my eyes. Why does this not surprise me?

Superman is back to life.  He plans to work on his jeep, fix a motor in one of the car's door's so that the window will go up again. In between, he rests in "his" chair if he can get there before our dog, Toby! 

Looking back, it is a wonder we can keep our balance.  On Wednesday, we were on a high; celebrating Dan's awesome scholarship to Auburn.  By Thursday, we were in the ER getting grim news.  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Denny's body was doing battle against pain and swelling.  Our whole family was fighting to stay strong and positive.  Today, he is drinking Gatorade; sitting in his chair looking normal with no swelling and watching TV.  Isn't this a crazy, wonderful life?

Originally, the doctors said we would find out today what the plan is.  They have moved it back to Thursday because Dr. Murphy wants to give the Topotecan time to work.  The radiation oncologist needs time to get everything set up for radiation treatments.  We have a few days to just rest, relax and let Denny's body heal.  I work tomorrow but will try to update the blog.  I've been assured that there are some readers out there that are hanging on every word. Don't want to mention any names,  Alan Branson, but I will do my best. Haha!

Many, many, thanks to all of you.  Your phone calls, cards, emails, and facebook comments have meant the world to us.  It let us know we were not alone in this battle.  Prayers are his greatest weapon so please keep them coming.  I will continue to post updates as they become available.

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