Monday, April 21, 2014

Small Victories

Denny has been admitted into a private room at Vanderbilt. He has been pretty heavily sedated today. The pain level is down to a 5. He is only rousing from sleep when the pain becomes intolerable to hit the button on the pain med pump. He is very irritable and is having a hard time hearing. He is not eating or drinking very well and has already lost 5 pounds since Friday. I'm not going to lie; this is worrying me. A small victory is that Dr. Murphy has ordered chemo to start tonight. If we can get the tumor to shrink, maybe the pain will be backed down and he will start eating again. He needs to keep his strength up. Somehow, we have to turn this bus around! I'm at his bedside keeping watch until Superman can rally. Requesting prayers for Denny...

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