Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hot Under the Collar

I worked yesterday so I was unable to update the blog.  However, rest assured, things are moving in the right direction.  Denny's face looks normal today.  The tumor bulge in the roof of his mouth has receded.  The only remaining issue is the left-side numbness of his face.  The doctors do not think this will recover.

Denny was outside working on the jeep this morning when I took a call from Dr. Murphy's office.  Elizabeth, her assistant, called to "encourage" us to keep our appointment tomorrow.  This puzzled me.  Did she really think we were not going to show?  I started to ask questions.  Elizabeth said, "Well, the radiation scheduled for the 14th is not going to happen.  We are still waiting for the dosimetry from St. Louis."  "Radiation?", I said.  "We weren't told he was starting on the 14th."  Elizabeth said that until the information (dosimetry) outlining where the radiation was the first time and the strength levels used, they cannot proceed.  Everything is on hold.

Those of you reading the blog for any amount of time can imagine my response to that.  I was hot under the collar!  I told Elizabeth I would make sure the information got to her ASAP.  After getting off of the phone, I got out my planner, looked up all the contact numbers I had for people I knew in Radiation Oncology in St. Louis and got to work. 

I called the personal assistant to Dr. Thorstad, Denny's Radiation Oncologist in St. Louis.  She was not in but another person returned my call.  I gave her the story and said it is urgent that we get this information sent to Vanderbilt.  She assured me that she would make sure it got done.  I smiled to myself because I KNOW it will.  I will personally drive up there and track it down!  I have done it before and will do it again if necessary! Denny's PMS (Personal Medical Secretary- what were you thinking?) is on the job!

Things are back to "normal" around the house.  If you were to see us, you would never know there was anything wrong.  We are enjoying the lull.  Denny is resting when he needs to.  The pain is controlled. His face is back to normal.  We have experienced another miracle!

Tomorrow, we will meet with Dr. Murphy. I will post the updates as soon as I can.  Stay tuned and keep the prayers coming!  Thanks for checking in.

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