Saturday, April 26, 2014

Superman and The Super-Fly Senior Chicks

Denny went into the clinic yesterday for his Nulasta infusion. This shot is needed to help keep his white blood cell count high so he can fight off any infection. He has had adverse reactions to this shot before but yesterday went well. Now that Denny is not in pain, he thought he should come off of the pain meds. He doesn't like the way they make him feel. However, the nurse practitioner said he needs to stay on them because pain like he is having is hard to manage. If he waits until he feels pain to take the medicine, it can't get ahead of it and work effectively. Our neighbor, Dorothy, was a hospice nurse before she retired. She, along with Marilyn, went to the clinic with Denny. She was immensely helpful with the situation yesterday. Thank you, Dorothy! I was teasing them about being the Super-Fly Chicks. Marilyn said "No, we are like those older ladies on that TV Show. Whatchacallit? Cougars?" Haha! Some good news? Denny ate very well yesterday and the swelling in his face is going down. The other good news? Dan got another scholarship! Looks like the Roller Coaster is headed back up the track!

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